Welcome to Swaton Academy
Swaton cultivates confident communicators through specialized training in presentation, discussion, and debate. Our dynamic programs empower individuals to articulate ideas effectively, fostering persuasive and engaging communication skills.
Expressive, Collaborative
Interactive, Dynamic, Insightful
Confident, Engaging, Clear
Assertive, Persuasive
About Us
안녕하세요, SWATON International Academy입니다.성큼 다가온 여름보다 더 뜨겁게 학습하고 있는 우리 학생들에게 좋은 팁을 준비해보았습니다!같은 시간을 공부하더라도, 학습 방법에 따라 효과가 다르듯복습 역시 '어떻게'하는지가 중요합니다.이번 카드뉴스에서는 최상위권 선배들이 수년간의 시행착오 끝에 터득한특별한 공부법을 공유합니다.소개하는 공부법을 참고해 자신의 공부에 적용해 보세요. [출처] 성적우수장학생이 꼽은 공부법|작성자 SWATON
Academic System
Our expert instructors have honed their skills through years of teaching, gaining valuable insights into diverse cultures and linguistic nuances. Their overseas experience allows them to connect with students on a deeper level, fostering a rich and culturally diverse learning atmosphere.
The our program are thoughtfully selected American textbooks, renowned for their quality and authenticity. These materials serve as the foundation for a comprehensive learning experience of American English by mastering colloquial expressions, understanding cultural nuances, or refining grammar structures.
Our library ensures that learners have access to a variety of English literature, academic resources, and cultural insights. From classic masterpieces to contemporary works, our library helps deepen their understanding of the English language and its cultural context.
Students can challenge themselves and reinforce their learning through our dynamic Quiz System. Tailored to complement our comprehensive curriculum, our quizzes are strategically designed to assess your understanding of key concepts, grammar rules, and help student practice vocabulary.
입학 절차
입학 시험 – 1차 지필고사
Writing, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Grammar
입학 시험 – 2차 모의수업
Communication Skills & Delivery
다양한 어휘 및 표현력, 언어능력
입학 시험 – 2차 모의수업
월/수/금 2:30 – 4:20 | 4:30 – 6:20
화/목 2:30 – 5:20 | 3:30 – 6:20